Estonian Association of Interior Architects / annual award 2017 nominee
Object info 
Seaplane Harbour, Vesilennuki 6, TallinnInterior architecture
Mari Hunt, Aet Ader, Karin Tõugu, Kadri Klementi
(b210)Workshop participants
Ulla Alla, Kristel Alliksaar, Ivo Arro, Alden Jõgisuu, Gregor Jürna, Anne Kaljas, Juhan Kangilaski, Taavi Kask, Maris Kohv, Heleri Koltšin, Kaarel Kuusk, Martin Küttim, Joosep Laht, Helmi Langsepp, Helena Leif, Hannes Lung, Helen Melesk, Alina Nurmist, Raul Polding, Ann Press, Kirke Päss, Maarja-Liis Raamat, Mihkel Raev, Geithy Sepp, Liina Soosaar, Jekaterina Zakilova Workshop supervisors
Mari Hunt, Timo Palo Curator
Mari Hunt Builder
Siltau Systems Lighting solutions
Moodne Valgustus Fotod
Tõnu Tunnel, Mari Hunt 
In 2016, icy themes were featured at the Seaplane Harbour: exhibitions on Arctic expeditions Race to the End of the World and Icy Scientific Labs and Estonia were complemented seasonally by a nuanced and experimental architecture exhibition, called Polar Spaces. In the dark and deep-blue interior of the Seaplane Harbour, the labyrinthine white, rolled corrugated cardboard exhibition created a thematic island in its own right and helped take retrospective museum exhibitions into the future.
Karen Jagodin, project manager for the Seaplane Harbour's exhibitions