THE PATH TO THE EXHIBIT began with a competition. The idea was to motivate visitors to walk between the pieces and interact; that you are not just a spectator, but also a creator. The themes of film-making are gathered between five circular birch plywood screens. They are inspired by background scenery used on movie sets.

The design of the permanent exhibition flowed collaboratively with a meeting of minds between interior architects and the architects. I am very pleased that there was readiness to embrace and pursue serendipitous, whimsical ideas even when the exhibition design was already in the final phase. It is very important that the interior designer gives the possibility to adapt or change things (based on circumstances). The exhibition environments allow one to pop into the world that film crew members work in. And a detail that unites all of them – the desk is an inspired find.
Maria Mang, director of the Estonian Film Museum

SEVERAL CURATORS worked on the project and the volume of ideas was such that many were left out. They knew what would happen if the top of the stands could not be dusted or if a piece would be fondled too much, or which work would prove to be the most popular.
The guest would experience being behind the scenes of the film world, gliding between shooting locations: how are the script and montage created; what happens on the set, etc. You can try being a star on the red carpet. The building itself also lends to the drama – you enter the building from below, with lower expectations, which in turn enhances the impact of the room. Old equipment, showing moving pictures, is on the mezzanine – here the interior architect’s input was only limited to cleaning up the curator’s thoughts.

I MYSELF PREFER exhibitions where spatial experience is open, where I can interact. For a moment you forget where you are. Film is a grand illusion – you are led to believe something which doesn’t exist. Part of my work here was to assist in this, to create an environment where you would morph into someone else. But you are also constantly reminded that it is a world created by someone and it is not real. Many multimedia solutions are used, and more intelligent gadgets will be added as technology evolves.
I WAS HAPPY that the ideas saw light and a no can do attitude was absent.
Tarmo Piirmets