Estonian Association of Architects / Architect Award 2021 nominee
Illimar Truverk, Külli Kübbar, Hannelore Kääramees, Annika Laidroo, Joanna Kordemets, Kristjan Lind (Arhitekt 11)
Ionel Lehari (Identity)
Interior architecture
Hannelore Kääramees, Tiiu Rull, Illimar Truverk, Kaur Käärma (Arhitekt 11)
Ionel Lehari (Identity)
Landscape architecture
Kristian Nigul (VÄLI)
Structural design
Eston Ehitus
Commissioned by
Käina Vallavalitsus
Total area
2050 m2
Maris Tomba, Argo Nurs


Tuuletorn has given Käina a marvellous landmark allowing to feature the area as a considerably friendlier and more inviting place. The curiously twisting and straggly tin façade aligns with the feel of the nearby industrial area while adding also a new and valuable layer. The tower underscores the role of culture at the gateway to the area near the cultural centre and apartment buildings. The life inside the building is equally important. In addition to the exhibition featuring the unique qualities of Hiiumaa, it also functions as a place for chance or arranged meetings for the locals, that is, as a necessary public space in the best sense of the word.
Kaire Nõmm, Hiiumaa municipality architect

In Hiiumaa, winds play an integral role in people’s life. As islanders, the local people are used to living with nature and considering its force. Wind tends to have the greatest influence on the local life and thus also on the local people’s character and sense of humour – the will of nature leads people’s daily activities considerably more on the island than on the continent. We often read the news that the traffic between Hiiumaa and the continent is disconnected due to strong winds, there are frequent power cuts etc. The idea of the building’s architecture was to reflect the wind and thus also provide an experience of the building itself. This is also the basis for the glimmering graphics woven into the façade referring to the sharp local humour, wind and folklore. Despite its “gone with the wind” look, the entire façade is actually governed by a strict order. With 5-6 notes + 7 (space or a pause), the bending grades of the sheet metal strips weave a lovely old song into the surface with the following code: 5 565 444 666 – – 4 454 333 555 – – 3 343 222 223 444 332 333 – – – – – 5 565 444 666 – – 4 454 333 555 – – 3 343 222 223 444 332 111 111 1 The small lines stand for pauses with every pause lasting as long as the number. Just try to read it: five five six five four four four six six six pause pause four four five four three three three five five five pause pause etc. This way, the chorus of the song was digitalised into the façade and the message made visible. The song is called “Hiidlaste kodu” (The home of Hiiu people), music by Agu Tiks, lyrics by Urbe Miliste, performed by Kaupo Tartu [1]. Also the tower is an attraction in its own right – it is taller than the tallest building on the neighbouring island Saaremaa with its viewing platform overlooking Saaremaa. We wished to leave the interior governed by gentler breezes, as people tend to go indoors to look for shelter from the natural forces. The tower of the exposition aims at squeezing everything out of the wind – it seems a hurricane has swept over the island and taken along everything that could be shown and offered to its visitors. All in all, the aim was to make the entire building an experience that would reflect the nature and people of Hiiumaa, their spirit and sense of humour.

[1] YouTube link 2021