Estonian Landscape Architects Union / annual award 2021 nominee
Pae tn 68a/Paekaare tn 54a, Tallinn
Landscape architecture
Merle Karro-Kalberg, Heiki Kalberg, Tanel Breede (AB Artes Terrae)
Project Lead
Edgar Berman
Design section for road construction
Markus Toon
Luminaires, electric power supply
Asko Kuusalu (ProSystem)
Water supply and sewerage
Jane Asor (Merindorf)
Kaupo Kalda, Heiki Kalberg


The reconstruction of Pae Promenade was the first step in the revival of the pedestrian promenades in Lasnamäe. An important role in the planning, implementation as well as the future usage was and still is played by the local residents who care about the problems of Pae market and Pae district. The project helped to highlight the security problems in the area that tended to be overshadowed by the poor public space. An inviting and comfortable street space made local people take action in order to curb possible violators. People now had a reason to consider the former market street as their own. Constructing the promenade also led to new challenges as it became apparent that clearer rules and instructions were needed for the chaotic street trading taking place on private premises. So, the city is now preparing a plan for establishing a well-organised outdoor marketplace. The reconstruction also made us reassess all the surrounding areas and the initially isolated project will form the basis for a more extensive improvement of the pedestrian and cyclist routes in West Lasnamäe.
Vladimir Svet, Head of the City District Lasnamäe

Pae Promenade forms a part of the pedestrian road network planned at the time Lasnamäe was established. The given section is located in the most active part of the network between Pae market and retail area.

The main aim of the project was to give new life and breathing to the outdated pedestrian section and turn it into a cosy leisure area. It was important to consider both pedestrians and cyclists.

The play and climbing elements were selected as universal and abstract as possible to offer joy to a wide range of people. For instance, we created tartan track waves where children can ride their kick scooters or climb on. In choosing the location of the playgrounds it was important to keep them in calmer areas close to the apartment buildings and also create a more interactive area between the shops and the market.

An equally important role is played by green areas. All the existing plants on the edges of the promenade – trees and bushes – were retained. New green oases were created along the path. Urban green areas and plants contribute to the improvement of the local microclimate and creating positive experience. Accentuating the large paved areas with trees, bushes and grasses helps to decrease the urban heat island effect and provides shelter on hot summer days.

In the course of the project, the promenade was given a fresh pavement and a number of trendy benches and stools. The path also received a new graphic image: based on the rational geometry of Lasnamäe, a new asphalt graphics was elaborated and complemented with concrete cylinders. On the one hand, the cylinders function as barriers ensuring pedestrian safety by preventing vehicle access to the promenade, on the other hand, they also function as playful elements where people can either place their shopping bags or climb on to widen their horizons.

Merle Karro-Kalberg