Estonian Landscape Architects Union / annual award 2021 nominee
Kaunase pst 58a, Tartu
Landscape architecture
Rutt Piir, Kristi Kuuse (Ökodisko)
Structural design
Rutt Piir
Pavement construction and vertical planning
Vadim Mahkats (Keskkonnaprojekt)
Outdoor lighting, electricity installation
Ivar Aljas (Priimus-Projekt)
3D visualisation
Fixman, TipTipTap
Commissioned by
Tartu Linnavalitsus
Rutt Piir


The playground and sports area were constructed in stages with the last (third) phase including the traffic park completed in 2020. We call it the activity and playground of Annelinn due to its immense variety that provides activities for all age groups. It includes different tracks for practising cycling and the climbing tower with a slide on the playground fits well into the environment surrounded by high-rise apartment buildings.
Eda Põldma, The head of Public Parks and City Cleaning Service of Tartu City Government

The playground between the 5- and 9-storey buildings in Annelinn, Tartu delights many people every day. The playground, health tracks and the miniature traffic city with freestyle elements allow numerous predefined activities as well as free play.

The attractions were largely meant for elementary and basic school children who can only be tempted away from their screens by providing a lot of stimulation and challenges in the playground.

The central landmark – the climbing tower – consists of two large cubes placed on top of each other. Its square form resonates with the architectonics of the blocks of flats in Annelinn. Climbing the tower requires power and dexterity. Also the hopscotch games featured on the pavement invite children to move and think along in different ways. The more tranquil part of the area accommodates a health track meant primarily for seniors, but it is feasible also for young children. Thus, grandparents can find common activities with their grandchildren.

The square is brought together as a comprehensive whole by the traffic network giving the area a more whimsical dimension. The only traffic city in Tartu is also used for educational purposes as it includes various possible real-life traffic situations. The track is available for pedestrians and cyclists. In every role, children need to follow the traffic signs and consider other road users.

Various pavements, hills, orbs and spheres create a diverse and exciting landscape for the play elements. The colour scheme is dominated by orange, reflecting the hues of the nearby sports fields and the apartment building balconies – only for the sake of keeping the outdoor spaces unified. This way, the playground landscape engages in a dialogue with the vertically rising balconies and the surroundings.

Rutt Piir