Estonian Landscape Architects Union / annual award 2019 nominee
Narva mnt. 2B, Tartu
Main Contractor
TajuRuum, projektijuht Terje Ong
Lanscape Architecture and Vegetation
Terje Ong, Kerli Irbo, Edgar Kaare (Maastikuarhitektuuribüroo TajuRuum)
Lighting Design
Liina Einla
River Platform
Tõnu Laanemäe (Symptom Arhitekt)
Civil Engineering
Rando Tomson (Skeleton)
Road Engineering
Indrek Oden, Kristel Liblik (Roadplan)
Electric Design
Janno Siil
Sculpture of Lydia Koidula and text plates
Bruno Kadak
Sculpture of Johann Voldemar Jannsen
Mare Mikof
Rein Maantoa
Light Tree Design
Margus Triibmann (Keha3)
Lighting Design of Sculpture of Lydia Koidula
Silmani Elekter, WhiteNight Lightning Ltd
Commissioned by
Tartu Linnavalitsus
PVH Ehitus
Kiur Kaasik, Uku Peterson


Some new “things” seem to have an everlasting effect. In other words, we get the impression that it has always been there. The same applies to the memorial square of Jannsen and Koidula. In late summer, the audience of the Emajõe summer concert were chilling out on the steps above the river and on the Arch Bridge while the square also functioned as a flypaper for people rushing by with no initial plans to stay and listen. Jannsen had no complaints about joining the band accompanying the young singer for one night and sat “on the stage” next to the piano and percussions. We had not even planned such a great light show, but it was provided by the pink sunset. PS. In case anybody wonders where Koidula is rushing and demands a clear answer, we in Tartu suggest saying that to the Estonian National Museum.
Maris Peebo, concert organiser