Cultural Endowment of Estonia in architecture / interior architecture 2017 winner
Estonian Association of Interior Architects / annual award 2017 winner
Object info 

Nooruse 3, Tartu, TartuInterior architecture
Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla, Urmo Vaikla
(Vaikla Studio)With collaboration
Helle-Triin Hansumäe, Maarja Varkki
(Vaikla Studio)Architecture
Sander Aas
(Asum Arhitektid)Illimar Truverk (Arhitekt 11)
With collaboration
Margus Soonets
Arhitekt 11Client
Riigi Kinnisvara Builder
YIT Ehitus Project
2014 Completed
2017 Photos
Kaido Haagen, Tõnu Tunnel, Johan Huimerind 

The headquarters of the National Archives, Noora, is a pleasant, comfortable place to work for researchers and historians as well as for the archive staff. The facade textile art titled Uure, the audio installation in the interior,and the distinctive interior design elements all create a warm environment and remind people in the building that Noora is the home of Estonia's written memory.
Liisi Taimre, advisor to the state archivist