Nominee for the Annual Award of the Estonian Association of Landscape Architects 2024
Nominee for the Award SMALL of the Estonian Association of Architects 2024
Author, builder and contractor
Tiiu Niglas (MOMU Mootorispordi Muuseum)
Design of planting areas
Evely Ustav
Outdoor exhibition areas
Villem Tomiste (Stuudio Tallinn)
Lighting design
Mariliis Kundla
Tõnu Tunnel
Tööstuse 3, Turba


MOMU has made its home in a special industrial complex of outstanding architecture – Ellamaa power plant, originally designed by Russian-Polish architect Aleksander Wladovsky. The “era” of the Motorsport Museum began in 2007, when the building in poor condition was bought by NGO Eesti Mootorispordi Ajalugu running the museum. In 2018, our friends and like-minded people came together and after years of renovation, we were ready to open the museum introducing our motor sports. FIA President Jean Todt with his wife also showed their support by attending the opening.

In 2021, we initiated the outdoor area project. In the centre of the garden is a 73-metre walkpath in the shape of Pirita-Kose-Kloostrimetsa circuit racetrack surrounded by perennials. In 2023, we opened the area with the exhibition on the history of the power plant (curated by Carl-Dag Lige). With the anniversary of the first Kalevi Grand Prix race in 2024, we completed also the walkpath with information boards telling the story of the legendary race.

MOMU garden provides rest and fresh views for people either waiting or passing by in the summer, admiring the architecture, taking interest in history or motor sport. And for the community.

When asked about the source of our team’s energy, the answer is simple – the engines, power plant and MOMU garden!

Text by: Tiiu Niglas, Manager of MOMU

In 2023, a small intimate square was established in MOMU garden for various exhibitions. The circular area is lined with airy stands seemingly growing out of the ground. The climbers will gradually take over the structures intertwining them into a single whole. The vines give the exposition a different colour for every season, inviting visitors back again to explore the new exhibitions or the ever-changing natural environment. In spring 2024, small boards were installed on the racetrack bends telling the story of the legendary race. The signposts sprout from the colourful planting, curving above the path. Each signpost is inspired by the signs displayed along the original racetrack during competitions.

Text by: Villem Tomiste, author of the exposition design elements