Cultural Endowment of Estonia in architecture / exhibition 2019 nominee
Estonian Museum of Architecture, Ahtri 2, Tallinn
Katrin Koov, Kaire Nõmm, Kadri Klementi
Realisation of the Exhibition
Teele Strauss (Motor)
Graphic Design
Maris Kaskmann (Motor)
Light Design
Vallo Rähn (Illuminaton Team)
Light Design Consultant
Johanna-Mai Riismaa
Lighting Consultant
Joan-Tähven Vene
Multimedia Consultant
Reimo Unt
Installation „REFLEXIO“
Grete Veskiväli, Krista Dintere, Rūta Palionytė
Video Montage
Lauri Laasik (Motor)
Coordinator of the exhibition
Triin Ojari
Installation of the exhibition
Siltay Systems
Liisi Anvelt


Students entered the exhibition hall cautiously and even fearfully – the mirror floor and lighting lent a magic vibe to the entire room and stepping on the mirror felt like walking on water. The students did not need to make a special effort to understand the exposition as it allowed them to experience the lesson with their entire body. As noted by one of the students, “I don’t know what I learned, but I definitely felt a lot!”
Silvia Paluveer / Teacher of Tallinn Tondi Basic School