Cultural Endowment of Estonia in architecture / architecture 2019 nominee
Maakri 19/21, Tallinn
Rasmus Tamme, Kristjan Männigo, Kaido Areda
Interior Architecture
Rene Safin, Rasmus Tamme, Kaido Areda (Ars Projekt)
Project Team
Ülle-Evelin Eelma, Jaanus Saarepera, Ats Buddell, Andrei Pleskatšjov, Külli Kroon, Joonas Saan, Kristina Oolu, Kristel Puksand, projektijuht Alo Kaste
Total Area
Commissioned by
Maakri Kvartal
Merko Ehitus
Tõnu Tunnel


The main challenge for the architects, engineers and builders in Maakri Quarter was how to bind the historic and new parts of the housing. ARS Projekt with their team succeeded in it superbly. The street space is dominated by the respectfully restored buildings in Art Nouveau hues under heritage protection dating back to the beginning of the previous century, including the longest Art Nouveau façade in Tallinn. Viewed from a distance, the modern glass facades seem to be growing out of the historic sections, including the only highrise over 100 metres built in the city in the past decade, adding a metropolitan feel to Tallinn silhouette. There are no flashing LED lights or other adornments creating unnecessary dynamic flutters and drawing unnecessary attention. The old and the new are clearly differentiated without opposing one another, and instead, peace and harmony have been achieved among the forms and materials stemming from various ages.
Jaan Erelt / Manager of Maakri Quarter