Estonian Association of Interior Architects / student award 2019 winner
Kirke Kalamats
Rasmus Jurkatam (portrait), Tõnu Tunnel, Oliver Soostar, Päär-Joonap Keedus

Vello Asi Student Prize

Over the decades, Vello Asi has been a key figure in the education of interior architecture students, and guiding their development to personalities and professionals in their field. His principles, ethics and attitude towards his work and art are values that we hope to see in today’s young interior architects as well. This year’s student prize is called the Vello Asi Prize.

The student prize is a prize not bestowed by the jury; it is awarded in cooperation between the board of the Association of Interior Architects and the Estonian Academy of Arts Department of Interior Architecture.



Kirke Kalamats on sihikindel, otsustav, motiveeritud, positiivne ja kiire ning tema suhtumine töösse on muljetavaldav.
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia sisearhitektuuri osakond

Roog observation deck

I am a graduate of the interior architecture bachelor’s degree programme at the Estonian Academy of Arts and I am now in my fi rst year of the master’s programme in the same fi eld. In my work, I tend to seek context-based solutions that could bring new qualities to our everyday life. I am also interested in social problems and working with youth.

Kirke Kalamats

Trepp observation deck. Project manager: Kirke Kalamats. Collaborators: Henri Papson, Eri Rääsk, Elin-Harriet Helemäe, Sander Joosep Siigur, Linda Zupping, Sandra Mirka, Maria Helena Luiga, Elis Rumma, Vera Gonchugova, Emely Mihkelsoo, Tuuli Kurvits, Mari Uibo.

Kosmos Theatre

Final thesis: "Our Kindergarten"