Landscape architecture office TajuRuum designs outdoor spaces. The office mainly focuses on public and semi-public spaces such as parks, streets, squares and schoolyards, but we also deal with private gardens, outdoor areas around apartment buildings and factories etc. We provide solutions from design contest drafts to the operational building design stage. Each project is a challenge and we try to keep the range of topics as wide as possible.
Ühele maastikuarhitektuuribüroole oli aasta külluslik – aastatepikkuse sihikindla töö viljad said valmis. TajuRuum esitas kandidaatidena neli avaliku ruumi objekti, mis žürii hinnangul on kõik võrdselt head ja tunnustust väärivad, sestap ei toogi aasta 2018 mitte üht valitud preemiatööd, vaid ühe preemiabüroo. Valminud objektid paiknevad laiali üle Eesti, igal tööl on oma isikupära, funktsioon ja paiga vaim. Samas on neis tunda ühtset käekirja – head ruumitaju – just TajuRuumi nime vääriliselt.
Annelinna jalakäijate kiirele uue näo loomise juures on tähelepanu pööratud olulistele linnaruumi kujundamise tahkudele: vastus autostumise probleemile, kutsuva ruumi identiteedi loomine ning kaasamine. Ala kujundamisel on arvestatud mitme sihtgrupiga – autost loobunud ratturite ja jalakäijate ning kaasamise kaudu töö toimivusse panustanud vaegnägijatega. Lühidalt – annelinlastega, kes tajuvad, et neid väärtustatakse ja oodatakse linnaruumi kasutama. See on linna poolt ilus kummardus magalarahvale.
Teele Nigola,
Eesti Maastikuarhitektide Liidu aastapreemiate žürii esinaine
Vaata ka TajuRuumi projekte Naerumaa lasteaed, Mäetaguse põhikooli väliruum, Teemanti park

The path is convenient and wide, you can easily walk there with a pram and a dog with plenty of space for others to pass. The separate bicycle path is certainly a big plus, allowing you to walk in peace without worrying about getting hit by a bike. It is probably easier for the cyclists too as they do not need to zig-zag among pedestrians. I did not come across any playgrounds, but some of the resting areas seemed indeed very comfortable with their yellow solutions bringing brighter colours into the autumn gloom. The autumn weather does not really encourage you to take a seat, but they are probably in active use in spring or summer. I was slightly confused near the Eeden roundabout, as the pedestrian and bicycle lanes changed sides compared to Sõpruse Avenue, luckily there were no cyclists at the time and I could easily change lanes. However, both in Sõpruse Avenue and Kalda Road, the path came to a very abrupt end. But in general, I think that such paths and places for spending time in the city are highly welcome and I can’t wait to see them also in other parts of the city.
Jaanika Jaanits, resident of Tartu

Our daily work aims at increasing the quality of our living environment by wisely selected solutions. Our strength lies in the cooperation of various specialists, the inclusion of all parties and the resulting synergy. We believe in the power of collaboration and the contribution of various people. Each project is made-to-measure – we put together a team to tackle the particular challenges, select the respective means and solutions.

We regularly go in for design competitions to stay in shape and get interesting commissions. We also promote the field on a number of fronts – we teach at the university, talk and write about landscape architecture to the general public and we also participate in the work of professional association work groups.
Terje Ong