Nominee for the annual award of the Estonian Association of Landscape Architects 2023
Authors of Straw Chapel
Eneli Kleemann, Katariina Mustasaar, Lill Volmer, Mia Martina Peil, Marie Anette Veesaar
Authors of Interspecies Crossing
Nabeel Imtiaz, Paulina Schröder, Augustas Lapinskas, Christian Hörner
Authors of Reed
Triin Vallner, Ko Ai
Competition and Project Manager
Tallinna Strateegiakeskuse Ruumiloome osakond
Paco Ulman, Jelena Rudi


As a resident of Tallinn, I am very proud of Putukaväil (Pollinator Highway) – the long green artery allows relatively hassle-free cycling between several city districts. It is not only a convenient highway for cyclists promoting the idea of a linear park but also a connecting place – it is not used by cars favouring separation from the environment but by pedestrians, joggers, skateboarders, cyclists and others at a considerably lower speed, clearly sharing the space and time. And this is precisely as I see ‘Place Buzz’ installations – as amplifiers of such shared spaces and certain points of connection. They offer a place to rest, sit, have a picnic or play hide-and-seek along the way. I’ve been enthusiastic about the installations since the very beginning, as I truly support the presence of such urban space elements in our everyday environment. I took part in the public vote of the projects, invited others to do the same, I have visited them many times and taken my friends and colleagues there. In addition to its other roles, for more than a year now, Putukaväil has also been a longitudinal exhibition area. I believe that ‘Place Buzz’ has indeed achieved its goal to make several sections more compelling by adding activities and variety along Putukaväil.
Laura Toots, culture manager, community leader of PERG, a fan of diverse and cosy urban spaces

Pollinator Highway Installation Competition ‘Place Buzz’

A biodiverse linear park and green corridor for pollinators and people

The aim of the three winning works of the competition ‘Place Buzz’ is to enrich the Pollinator Highway with environmentally sensitive public art. In September 2022, the installations ‘Straw Chapel’, ‘Reed’, and ‘Interspecies Crossing’ were opened.


Authors: Triin Vallner, Ko Ai

‘Reed’ consists of three consecutive installations on the Pollinator Highway. ‘Reed+Game’, ‘Reed+Buzz’ and ‘Reed+Pause’ are all made of the same material – reed. They are similar in form but use the building material in different ways. They offer a versatile spatial experience for visitors and a habitat for insects.

Interspecies Crossing

Authors: Nabeel Imtiaz, Paulina Schroeder, Augustas Lapinskas, Christian Hörner

‘Interspecies Crossing’ is a landmark built for the non-human inhabitants of Tallinn. It bridges the rupture in the Pollinator Highway by connecting the tree canopies on either side of Akadeemia Street, hinting towards the need for safe passage of non-human creatures. Prepared with a nutritional growth base for lichen, the structure will evolve over time to act as a reminder that we humans share the space of our cities with other living beings in mutual responsibility and care. Materials: hemp rope, hemp net, metal, recycled cable ties, wooden connecting cables, lichen.

Straw Chapel

Authors: Eneli Kleemann, Katariina Mustasaar, Lill Volmer, Mia Martina Peil, Marie Anette Veesaar

‘Straw Chapel’ is a modern community pavilion that represents local values, environmentally friendly building methods and materials, community activities, a do-it-yourself attitude and spending time in nature. The pavilion connects both local and distant visitors of the Pollinator Highway, offering a place for holding events and workshops, or just a stop to rest during a long walk. The building process of the pavilion was rather experimental, involving a community workshop introducing the principles of straw construction. Materials: straw, CLT, wood, sheet metal.