The Annual Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia in architecture for Landscape Architecture 2020
The Annual Award of The Estonian Landscape Architects' Union in the Category of Town Centres
Object info 

ElvaArchitecture and landscape architecture
Ülle Maiste
(Arhitektuuribüroo AT HOME)Diana Taalfeld (NU Arhitektuur)
Authors of the competition entry
Ülle Maiste
(Arhitektuuribüroo AT HOME)Diana Taalfeld (NU Arhitektuur)
Anne Saarniit (ubin pluss)
Taavi Kuningas, Roomet Helbre (TEMPT)
Construction design, landscaping
Novarc GroupCommissioned by
Elva Vallavalitsus Competition
2016 Completed
2020 Photos
Jaak Jänes/Elva Linnavalitsus, Marko Hõrak, Ragnar Vutt