Estonian Landscape Architects Union / cooperation prize 2019 winner
Paide central square, Paide
Open to the public
15.07 - 12.08.2017
30.06 - 20.08.2018
29.06 - 20.08.2019
Elo Kiivet
Collaborators 2019 (stage / scaffolding installation)
Kalle Komissarov, Kadri Kallaste
Maiko Keskküla (leader), Tiit Kanne ja Kaspar Tammist (project managers), Indrek Kuuse ja Alver Tõlgu (builders), Kristjan Kirsipuu and Jaan Kirsipuu (assistants), Ülle Müller (cultural program manager 2017-2018), Kersti Viilup (cultural program manager 2019).
Commissoned by (2017, 2018)
Commissioned by (2019)
Paide Linnavalitsus
Maris Tomba


EHE Ruum 2019 was the continuation of the two-year urban space experiment where we tried to see how the locals adopt the urban square partly closed for traffic as a space for leisure. People’s reaction to the new means for enjoying summer in Paide was highly positive – the central square that usually functions as a roundabout was quickly filled with people. They enjoyed the outdoor cafes, concerts, sports facilities and safe play areas for children. The experiment helped us to understand that locals need such a place. Our plan now is to reconstruct the city square and make a part of the area permanently available for pedestrians.
Siret Pihelgas / Deputy Mayor of Paide